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PHADA Scholarship Program

In order to encourage academic excellence and community responsibility among high school students, PHADA has implemented a scholarship program for graduating seniors who are preparing to enter college. PHADA will award three scholarships to deserving youth currently residing in a PHADA member agency.

Applications for the 2025 Scholarship Program Are Due to PHADA by January 24, 2025. NO EXCEPTIONS!

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Stephen J. Bollinger Memorial Scholarship (One scholarship available: $10,000)

Steve Bollinger (April 11, 1948 – June 18, 1984) was a taskmaster to himself, a human dynamo to those who knew him. He was a natural leader, a person who could rally people around him with wit, satire, and vocal exercises. Steve’s knowledge of and dedication to housing those in need was never absent, especially after he was appointed Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development at HUD. His experience at the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority and the associations he had with colleagues, mayors, and others afforded him the opportunity to deal with the bureaucracy in a style that we strive to attain. To the members of PHADA, he was a friend. His belief in the housing profession motivated him to become a founding member of PHADA, for which he served as Vice President. He accomplished much in a short time and we are all thankful for his achievements. PHADA created this scholarship to memorialize Stephen J. Bollinger.

This scholarship will be formally presented at PHADA’s Annual Convention & Exhibition (May 13–16, 2025, Seattle, WA). The winner will receive a trip for him/herself and one parent/guardian to attend the convention.


Civil Rights and Social Justice Scholarship (One scholarship available: $5,000)

Additional Essay Required (see below)

In 2005, PHADA’s Board of Trustees met in Montgomery, AL. Inspired by historical sites they chose to give personal donations for the inception of a PHADA scholarship to honor the work of Rosa Parks and the achievements of the civil rights movement.

To be considered for the Civil Rights and Social Justice scholarship, include an additional personal essay (350–500 words) demonstrating your efforts, and involvement in furthering the values of the civil rights and social justice movements. Explain why these causes are relevant today and how they relate to your educational goals. Include any relevant volunteer experiences and involvement related to advancing the causes of civil rights and social justice.


Nan McKay Pathway to Achievement Scholarship (One scholarship available: $5,000)

Nan McKay has offered significant financial support to PHADA’s scholarship program and has elected to reward one deserving youth with a $5,000 scholarship. PHADA appreciates their commitment to serving the needs of public housing residents and the community.


The scholarship fund will be administered by the PHADA Scholarship Committee. The money will go directly to the school that the recipient will be attending. The school will deposit the money into the student's account. The money may only be used to pay for tuition, books, and activities directly related to the student's education. If the student discontinues his or her education, the unused portion of the scholarship will be returned to PHADA. For more information, contact PHADA at: 202-546-5445.

Download a PDF copy of the 2024 Bollinger Memorial Scholarship Luncheon Program

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