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PHADA’s 1,900 member housing agencies represent over 1.9 million low-income housing units throughout the United States. Our members manage small, medium, large, rural, and urban housing authorities that run programs including public housing, housing choice vouchers, Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), and a variety of other innovative public-private partnerships.

The Association provides its members with important information, professional development, and advocacy to help them administer adequate, safe housing for those in need across America. PHADA also works closely with members of Congress in efforts to develop sensible and effective public housing statutes and obtain adequate funding for low-income housing programs, in addition to advocating before the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on a variety of regulations governing public housing nationwide.

For over 40 years, PHADA has been recognized the industry leader for its analysis and its advocacy. We represent our members’ voice, uniquely and forcefully, advocating before Congress and HUD to make significant impacts on both the national and local levels.


The Association




PHADA Membership: An Outstanding Return on Investment

PHADA membership yields numerous returns on your investment (ROI), no matter how big or small your housing authority. Hear what PHADA members have to say about why membership matters to them in this short video.


Not a PHADA Member? Consider Joining Today

Your membership dues will yield numerous returns on your investment (ROI), no matter how big or small your housing authority. It begins with a simple action – joining PHADA. An array of benefits makes your membership an outstanding ROI in your professional development and in the future of your housing authority.

Some of the many benefits of PHADA membership include: unlimited access to the PHADA website with in-depth coverage of today’s Current Issues, a biweekly subscription to the industry-leading analytical newsletter, the Advocate, which includes insights and advocacy from top policy analysts on important legislative and regulatory matters; topic-specific email alerts, Issue Briefs and Position Papers, in addition to breaking news notices; essential and timely professional development programs; and discounts on PHADA conference registrations and publications.

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Join PHADA Today. Link to online application.