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Why Join PHADA?

PHADA membership yields an exceptional return on investment (ROI) that provides benefits to housing authorities, staff, and the low-income people and communities they serve. This ROI makes PHADA membership one of the most cost-effective decisions you make for yourself and your housing authority. 

All Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) and their associated nonprofits, along with affiliated industry organizations, are eligible for PHADA membership. Each member organization is represented by their Executive Director.


“Once again, PHADA is proving that it is staying on the forefront of issues that really matter to agencies of all sizes and makeups! I am so proud to be a member of this great group of folks!!!”


Types of Membership

The executive director or a designee from housing agencies of all sizes and types – small, medium, large, rural and urban, are invited to join PHADA. Only a Agency member’s representatives may vote or hold office in the association, except that the Assistant Secretary may be an employee of the association. Regardless of who is designated, each PHA shall have only one vote and only one representative of that PHA may hold office. Substitute representation shall not be permitted at meetings of the Executive Committee or Board of Trustees.

All former PHADA members in good standing at the time of their retirement, leave of absence, resignation, or termination from a PHA may be eligible for individual membership. Individual members shall have all rights of membership except the right to vote and the right to hold office.

Friends of PHADA
Other national, state, and local organizations and individuals with an interest in public and assisted housing policy are eligible for membership. Such members shall have all rights of membership except the right to vote or hold office.

Affiliate Member
Connect with 1,900 housing authorities’ executives nationwide by becoming an Affiliate Member. Private companies, consultants, law firms and other businesses with an interest in public and assisted housing policy are eligible for Affiliate Membership. Such members shall have all rights of membership except the right to vote or hold office.

For more information about PHADA Affiliate Membership, click here.


“PHADA’s information is superior to other groups.”


Benefits of PHADA Membership

  • Conference Registration Discounts – For yourself, each member of your staff, and Board of Commissioners who attend a PHADA conference, your housing authority receives substantial registration discounts on all PHADA conferences.
  • Subscription to the Advocate – Gain access to our highly-valued member benefit. Our industry-leading, biweekly newsletter is a recognized and trusted resource for insights into HUD and Congressional actions, funding opportunities, and major developments in the public and affordable housing field.
  • Full Access to the PHADA Website – Your comprehensive source for breaking industry news and information, current and past issues of the Advocate, our conference Presentation Archive, and advocacy and educational resources, available exclusively to members and their staff.
  • Publications Discounts – Advance your knowledge and leadership skills through PHADA’s top-rated publications. Members receive a discount on guidebooks and manuals that are invaluable to your day-to-day operations.
  • Professional Development Programs – PHADA members receive discounts on the registration fees for a variety of professional development training programs, including the acclaimed Executive Director Education Program (EDEP) certification. 
  • Networking with Your Peers and Industry Leaders – Your membership, involvement in PHADA, and participation at conferences and training programs puts you in touch with your professional colleagues throughout the nation.
  • PHA Sample Policies Library – PHADA members have free access to a growing collection of housing authority documents that cover a full range of operating policies and practices.
  • A Voice in Washington – The PHADA staff and leadership diligently serve the memberships’ interests and needs through their liaison with Congress, HUD, and other federal agencies. PHADA develops and pushes for legislation and submits comments on HUD’s proposed regulations and administrative matters. 
  • Ability to Influence the Direction of Federal Rental Assistance programs – Through committee participation and contact with the PHADA staff, members have the opportunity to articulate how national policies will impact on local programs.


“Because PHADA is the best at advocating for PHAs and our residents. They are credible with folks on the Hill and they will stand up to HUD on bad policy.”


Bottom Line: An Outstanding Return on Investment

We think you’ll agree that PHADA membership yields a tremendous ROI, no matter how big or small your housing authority.

And it begins with a simple action you can take right now – join PHADA and become part of your industry colleagues’ collective voice, uniquely and forcefully advocating before Congress and HUD to make significant impacts for your residents on both the national and local levels.



Membership Questions? Contact: Norma Bellew, Director of Membership, at: 202-546-5445, or email: nbellew@phada.org.

Join PHADA Today. Link to online application.