PHADA thanks William Russell, CEO, Sarasota Housing Authority, for sharing his recent query with PIH.
Question: I have read through PIH Notice 2020-05 and part 11.b. SEMAP. We understand PIH will not issue new SEMAP scores until FYE March 31, 2021. However, if we are a 3/31 FYE, do we need to complete and send to our field office our SEMAP submission for our FYE March 31, 2020? Or do we not need to submit anything for SEMAP until after next year’s FYE?
Answer: Per Notice PIH 2020-05, there is a temporary suspension of the Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP). Pending SEMAP scores (as of the issue date of Notice PIH 2020-05) will be carried forward for any Public Housing Authorities (PHA) with a Fiscal Year End (FYE) on or before December 31, 2020, unless a PHA request a new score be issued. Therefore, your agency’s SEMAP score for FYE March 31, 2020, will be carried forward unless your agency requested a new score be issued. As a result, your agency does not have to submit the Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) Certification form HUD-52648. HUD will resume issuing new SEMAP scores beginning with PHAs with Fiscal Year End (FYE) dates of March 31, 2021. A PHA has 60 calendar days from the end of its fiscal year to submit the HUD-required SEMAP certification form into the Management Information System (MIS) under the Public and Indian Housing Information Center (PIC).