In Unanimous Vote, Appropriations Committee Votes to Move Forward
On July 20, 2023, the Senate Appropriations Committee released its Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (T-HUD) Appropriations Bill. The Senate majority also published a short bill summary. We have summarized key appropriations figures in the table below:
Last week, the House released its FY 24 T-HUD Appropriations Bill, and the Senate bill differs in several key aspects. Of note:
- Overall, the Senate bill has more generous funding for HA core programs of public housing operating and capital funds, voucher contract renewals, and voucher admin fees.
- While the House proposed a deep cut to the HOME program and no appropriations to the Choice Neighborhoods program, the Senate bill funds HOME at FY 23 levels and appropriates $150 million to Choice Neighborhoods.
- While a relatively small portion of the overall bill, the Senate provides modest increases to funding for Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) and Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) over FY 23 levels.
In a collegial markup hearing on July 20 that stood in stark contrast to the contentious House markup two days prior, the Senate Appropriations Committee unanimously voted to advance the T-HUD appropriations bill to the full Senate. In prepared remarks, Senate T-HUD Subcommittee Chair Brian Schatz (D-HI), noted that “we focused on fully funding affordable housing and homeless assistance for nearly 10 million low-income people supported by this bill.” T-HUD Ranking Member Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) remarked, “I am pleased that the bill includes $198 million for HUD’s self-sufficiency programs.” Sen. Hyde-Smith has previously noted that she is passionate about promoting self-sufficiency and financial literacy.
PHADA will continue to monitor the appropriations process, and we encourage HAs to advocate to their Representatives and Senators for maximum funding for all HUD programs. The Association will host a webinar on August 9 discussing effective advocacy strategies, as well as providing an update on the appropriations process and other hot topics. Registration is available here.