On November 7, in collaboration with the National Low Income Housing Coalition, the Public and Assisted Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC) published a report, Natural Hazards and Federally Assisted Housing, discussing the disproportionate exposure of federally assisted housing to risks of various natural disasters. Using data from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the National Housing Preservation Database, the report found that:
- Approximately one quarter of federally assisted housing (and 30% of housing in rural areas) is in census tracts with the greatest risk of negative impacts from natural disasters,
- In six states, more than half of federally assisted housing is in these high-risk census tracts, and
- The greatest risks are from flooding and heat waves.
The report’s findings underscore both the growing risks to residents and to the affordable housing stock and the growing difficulties HAs face in obtaining casualty loss insurance coverage discussed in the November 1, 2023, Advocate.
PHADA will discuss the findings and recommendations of this report in more detail in the forthcoming Advocate and will also discuss resources and funding that may be available to HAs to address the growing exposure of their housing stock and residents to losses due to natural disasters. PHADA has also included a presentation from the President and CEO of the HAI Group concerning issues surrounding the cost and availability of casualty insurance at its Commissioners’ Conference, January 7–10, 2024, in San Diego, CA.