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HUD Re-Opens Jobs Plus NOFO

In a December 19, 2023, email to HA Executive Directors, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Monocchio announced that HUD has re-opened its FY 23 Jobs Plus Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Eligible HAs that have not applied to the FY 23 NOFO may submit an application prior to the deadline of March 12, 2024. HAs that previously applied to the FY 23 NOFO do not need to re-submit but may choose to submit a revised application.

The Department is making approximately $37 million available through the NOFO. Individual awards will be made between $1.6 and $3.7 million.

PHADA previously covered the FY 23 Jobs Plus NOFO in the Advocate. Eligible public housing developments (AMPs) must have (1) at least 100 households with at least one non-elderly resident, and (2) at least 40 percent of non-elderly households report no earned income. Interested members should consult the NOFO and coverage in the Advocate for additional eligibility criteria.

Because the Department will not be issuing another Jobs Plus solicitation in 2024, PHADA encourages all eligible members to apply by the March 12, 2024, deadline.

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