HUD has published Notice PIH 2024-11: Voucher Management System Reporting Requirements for Moving to Work Public Housing Agencies.
Beginning with the calendar year quarter ending June 30, 2024, all Moving to Work (MTW) public housing agencies (including expansion agencies) participating in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program MUST report their planned uses of MTW HCV reserves on a quarterly basis.
Reporting takes place via the Voucher Management System (VMS) as updated in 2022. MTW agencies were also able to begin reporting in 2022. This notice formalizes the requirement, provides a variety of definitions, and provides direction on what data to report, how to adjust (or not adjust) certain entries over time, and other details.
Data collected via this reporting is made publicly available on HUD’s MTW HCV Utilization Dashboard. Current data on the dashboard does show a large amount of uncommitted reserves among the MTW agencies, but the data is not current, still showing information from September 2023.
All MTW agencies are encouraged to review their data, submit updates and corrections if needed, and incorporate the now-required quarterly reporting into their internal processes.