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Department Releases FYI Funding Opportunity

Last week, HUD announced the availability of approximately $13 million in competitive funding for the Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Initiative. FYI makes voucher funding available to HAs working in partnership with Public Child Welfare Agencies (PCWAs). FYI vouchers serve youth aged 18–24 who have left foster care or will leave foster care within 90 days. Vouchers may only be used to provide housing assistance for a maximum of 36 months, and FYI vouchers may also be project-based.

Applications must be submitted by June 17, 2024, via Grants.gov. The Department anticipates making approximately 20 awards through this NOFO. The minimum award size is three vouchers.

Applicants must have an executed MOU with their local PWCA to apply for this funding opportunity, and HUD also encourages HAs to partner with other local stakeholders—such as the Continuum of Care (CoC), non-profits, and local government agencies.  Vouchers will be awarded competitively to eligible applicants based on several rating factors, including:

  • Availability of various services to voucher recipients—including housing search assistance, financial assistance, post-move counseling, and self-sufficiency programs—either provided by the HA or third-party partners.
  • History of recent cross-program collaboration among the HA, PWCA, and the CoC.
  • Documentation of youth consultation in program rollout and collaboration in program administration.

Interested members should consult the full NOFO for complete application requirements.

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