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Senate Committee Holds Hearing for HUD Secretary Nominee

On January 16, the Senate Banking Committee held a hearing for President-elect Trump’s nominee for HUD Secretary, Scott Turner. The largely collegial hearing saw the committee’s members inquire about the nominee’s view on various affordable housing issues. A recording of the hearing is available here.

Most Senators’ questions focused on how the incoming administration can reduce housing costs. Turner frequently said that the country “had to get its fiscal house in order” by reducing interest rates and inflation. The nominee did not commit to any firm policy positions, instead deferring to work with the committee on regulatory streamlining, authorizing disaster recovery funding, and assessing the effectiveness of HUD programs.

There was little discussion in the hearing on the core HUD programs that PHADA members offer. Turner committed to learning more about the Housing Choice Voucher program and stated that he wanted to make the program “less cumbersome” and “more efficient.”

In the coming weeks, the committee will vote on whether to recommend the nominee to the full Senate.  As of press time, it is expected that the Republican-majority Senate will confirm Turner to serve as HUD Secretary, and PHADA looks forward to working with him to advance the Association’s interests.

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