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PHADA Fact Sheets


Section 3 Final Rule

Major Components, Tracking, and Resources

(Updated October 2024): Major Components of the New Section 3 Rule for Public and Indian Housing (now applicable to all agencies).

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HUD Announces Delays to HIP and NSPIRE-V Rollouts

Over the summer, HUD has announced implementation delays for two key departmental initiatives—the Housing Information Portal (HIP) and the expansion of the NSPIRE inspection protocol to the Housing Choice Voucher (NSPIRE-V) and other HUD programs. As of press time, there is no revised implementation timeline for HIP, while the compliance deadline for the NSPIRE expansion has been pushed to October 1, 2025.

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What’s New with Build America, Buy America?

On November 2, 2023, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released CPD Notice 2023-12, entitled “CPD Implementation Guidance for the Build America, Buy America Act’s domestic content procurement preference as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.” The notice provides additional guidance on the timing and requirements under the Build America, Buy America Act for covered CPD programs and activities, including but not limited to CDBG, HOME, Housing Trust Fund, and HOPWA, for example.

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Rent Collection Challenges in Public Housing

Tenant Accounts Receivable (TARs) – that is, rent that housing authorities are unable to collect from public housing tenants – have risen dramatically since the beginning of the pandemic. Because tenant rent collection is a crucial revenue source for local housing authorities, increasing TARs represent a serious threat to many agencies’ fiscal solvency.

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What You Should Know About NSPIRE Now

The first NSPIRE inspections of record took place on August 10 at public housing properties. As housing authorities (HAs) prepare for the rollout and implementation of NSPIRE across various programs, it is important to be aware of the variation of NSPIRE Compliance Dates, Based on Program compliance dates and requirements among programs.

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What’s New with Build America, Buy America?

Some Clarification Provided, Many Questions Remain

On November 2, 2023, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released CPD Notice 2023-12, entitled “CPD Implementation Guidance for the Build America, Buy America Act’s domestic content procurement preference as part of the Infra- structure Investment and Jobs Act.” The notice provides additional guidance on the timing and requirements under the Build America, Buy America Act for covered CPD programs and activities.

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Climate Funding for Housing Authorities

Federal Financial Assistance

The Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law include substantial financial assistance targeting buildings to reduce energy use and costs, reduce emissions, and increase resiliency in the face of increasing natural disasters.

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Understanding Build America, Buy America (BABA): What We Know Now

The Build America, Buy America Act (BABA) was enacted as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act on November 15, 2021. The Act established a domestic content procurement preference for all federal financial assistance obligated for infrastructure projects.

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Section 3 Final Rule

Major Components of the new Section 3 Rule for Public and Indian Housing (applicable no later than the reporting period beginning at the start of the agency’s fiscal year that begins after June 30, 2021).

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Funding for Public Housing Through an Infrastructure Bill

Why It Makes Sense

Public housing is a unique and crucial affordable housing resource for nearly two million people in just over one million homes. In many cities across the nation, seniors, veterans, persons with disabilities and families with children rely on public housing. In some instances, no other source of housing could take its place more readily or affordably. While we have seen some relatively modest increases in the last two appropriations bills (FY 18 and 19), the Capital Fund is about where it was seventeen years ago, even before adjusting for inflation, as the chart below indicates.

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Setting the Record Straight on the Annual Contributions Contract

HUD’s Explanation to HAs and Congress is Misleading

Since 1937, HUD has contracted with Housing Authorities (HAs) to develop and manage public housing apartment complexes. The Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) is the document that governs HUD’s relationship with HAs. Recently, HUD has been meeting with Congressional staff to discuss its proposed new ACC. In response to HAs’ and the industry association’s expressions of concern, staff of the Offices of General Counsel and Public and Indian Housing have asserted that the new ACC did not contain substantive changes from the existing ACC.

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Understanding NSPIRE: HUD’s New Physical Inspection Program

This year has already brought an avalanche of changes to HUD’s physical inspection program, and the Department continues to work on more changes. While the Department has been receptive to the input of PHADA and other industry groups (holding the nationwide listening sessions suggested by PHADA, for example) and promises to listen to and consider input from housing authorities (HAs) and private owners moving forward, it has implemented regrettable policies, most notably the 14-day notification period.

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Opportunity Zones

Opportunity Zones are low income census tracts designated by Governors. Certain investments located in an Opportunity Zone are eligible for potentially significant tax breaks. The goal of the program is to incentivize private equity investors to re-invest their unrealized capital gains into Opportunity Funds, which will then make 10+ year investment commitments in disinvested neighborhoods. The goal is to create “a vital new pathway for investors and entrepreneurs to kickstart economic growth in distressed areas across America,” according to Sean Parker, founder and chairman of the Economic Innovation Group. It is hoped that such investments and the resulting economic activity will have benefits for neighborhood residents and businesses. Many observers have concerns that the benefits will go primarily to wealthy investors and will exacerbate gentrification and displacement. Nearly all observers agree that the incentive will have little or no utility in leveraging investment in rent-restricted housing. PHADA coverage of Opportunity Zones can be found in the Advocate from January 9, May 29, and two articles on July 17, 2019.

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HUD’s Proposed Rule on Noncitizen Residency in Assisted Housing

On May 10, 2019, the Department of Housing and Urban Development published a proposed rule (Housing and Community Development Act of 1980: Verification of Eligible Status) in the Federal Register. The proposed rule would end the eligibility of “mixed families” in assisted housing. Mixed families are households comprised of both individuals with and without eligible status to receive housing subsidies, based on their immigration status.

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Small Agency Streamlined Voluntary Conversion? What to Ask

The opportunity presented to small Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) to Voluntarily Convert their last remaining public housing properties to Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program assistance (PIH Notice 2019-5) is worth considering. With the removal of the cost test and other conversion assessment requirements, rents received may be significantly higher and justification is easier. See PHADA’s article “HUD Pushes Public Housing Repositioning; Streamlines Conversions for Small Agencies” published in the April 17, 2019 issue of the Advocate for additional background.

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Low Income Housing Tax Credit Fact Sheet

PHADA has established a working group related to the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program, which continues to be the major production program for affordable rental housing. Two bills, Senate 548 and House of Representatives 1661, propose expanding and strengthening the LIHTC program. Below you will find some basic background information about the LIHTC program as well as a synopsis of the bills.

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PHADA Issue Briefs


Cash Management in Public Housing

PHADA Believes the “Sea Change” Under Cash Management Would Be One for the Worse

HUD is considering instituting a Cash Management (CM) system for providing public housing operating funding to housing authorities (HAs). Cash Management was initially implemented in 2012 for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program for disbursing voucher funding to HAs, limiting disbursement to amounts “currently needed” for expenses. The remainder of an HA’s voucher funding is retained in a HUD-held reserve.

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Watch video of PHADA Executive Director Tim Kaiser discussing the Association’s concerns about the potential of instituting a Cash Management system for funding public housing agencies.

Update: Over 100,000 Go Without Housing

PHADA’s Cost Neutral Proposal Would Help Fix this Growing Voucher Leasing Crisis

PHADA estimates that for each of the last four years well over 100,000 low-income households (4 percent) could have been otherwise housed with Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) funding already appropriated by Congress in prior years. However, underfunding of Section 8 administrative fees has, in part, contributed to lower levels of leased households and higher levels of HAP reserves than would otherwise be the case if fee prorations had been higher. The primary reason for this outcome is that it takes people to help people.

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Who is Served by the Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher Programs?

A Closer Look at Who Receives Housing Assistance

In light of the current budgetary environment, as well as the likelihood that funding for federal housing programs may continue to see deep cuts in the future, it is important to reflect on who is served by the public housing (PH) and Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) programs. Housing authorities (HAs) nationwide currently serve approximately 7.8 million people within 3.3 million households, many of them the United States’ most vulnerable populations, like children, the elderly and the disabled.

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Forced Consolidations Would Damage Housing Choice Voucher Program

Theory is Untested, Unproven, and Costly

Certain organizations have proposed consolidating local housing authorities (HAs) based on the assumption that there are too many HAs administering rental voucher programs and claiming this impedes low-income households’ access to neighborhoods of opportunity. They contend that having smaller agencies operate the program increases administrative costs, and makes it more difficult for HUD to oversee the program. Part of their argument is based on HUD’s flawed proposal for ZIP code-based rents that would increase per-voucher subsidy costs. In reality, these proposals would increase out-of-pocket costs for low-income households, displace many from their neighborhoods, serve fewer families, or substantially increase appropriations if Congress chooses to pay these higher costs.

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PHADA Comments on UPCS-V Demonstration

Potential Outcomes Raise Concerns, Many Unanswered Questions Remain

PHADA submitted comments to the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) “Notice of Demonstration to Test a Proposed New Method of Assessing the Physical Conditions of VoucherAssisted Housing.” The Association’s submission included approximately 20 pages of questions and concerns for the Department related to both the demonstration and the new proposed inspection standard for the Housing Choice Voucher program (HCV), UPCS-V. Listed below are a selection of highlights from the July 2016 comment letter submitted to the Department. PHADA will continue to urge HUD to move ahead cautiously with the demonstration, and will keep members apprised of its development as it progresses.

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Congress Should Enact Major Changes in the PH & HCV Programs

HAs Can’t Adequately Serve Residents When Their Existence is Imperiled

The Public Housing program has been grossly under-funded. Deep prorations in the Operating Fund have forced HAs to reduce staff, cut services and maintenance, and resulted in an overall decline in quality of life for many low-income families. It should be noted that more than one-third of PH residents are elderly and/or disabled. The federal government should not abandon this vulnerable population.

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PHADA Position Papers


Regulatory Reform Through a Local Flexibility Option (LFO)

What is a LFO? A plan that provides public housing authorities (PHAs) the ability to opt in to a housing assistance model that provides flexibility in use of funds to better address local conditions.

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FY 25 Appropriations

The White House has proposed its Fiscal Year (FY) 25 HUD budget, and the House of Representatives and the Senate have both released their FY 25 bills and passed them through their respective Appropriations Committees. There is considerable disagreement across the three budgets, with the White House and Senate budgets proposing modest increases while the House budget includes sharp cuts to many core HUD programs.

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PHADA Priorities for the 118th Congress (Updated March 2024)

PHADA supports the following legislation from the 118th Congress: (1) Public Housing Emergency Response Act (H.R. 307) – Appropriates $70 billion to the public housing capital fund to address the backlog of capital needs in public housing properties across the U.S. (2) Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (H.R. 3238 and S. 1557) – Expands and improves the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program to address the critical shortage of affordable housing. (3) Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024 (H.R. 7024) – Includes several key provisions of the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act which would increase production of affordable housing nationwide. (4) Respect State Housing Laws Act (H.R. 802 and S. 3755) – Repeals the CARES Act’s 30-day notice requirement before a property owner may begin eviction proceedings due to rent non-payment, which will help minimize tenant accounts receivable for public housing agencies. (5) Interagency Council on Affordable Housing Act (H.R. 2974) – Establishes an interagency council to “develop Federal Policy … to preserve and increase affordable housing supply.”

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FY 24 Appropriations

The White House has proposed its Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 HUD budget, and the House of Representatives and the Senate have both released their FY 24 bills and passed them through their respective Appropriations Committees. There is considerable disagreement across the three budgets, with the White House and Senate budgets proposing modest increases while the House budget generally maintains flat funding while cutting certain programs.

In June, President Biden signed the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023, which raised the country’s debt ceiling but also enacted non-defense discretionary spending caps for the FY 24 and FY 25 budgets. These caps place the FY 24 discretionary budget at approximately FY 23 levels. However, the Senate has appropriated additional emergency funding that allows its FY 24 budget to exceed those caps.

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Housing Policy Update

PHADA Priorities for the 118th Congress

PHADA supports the following legislation:

The Public Housing Emergency Response Act (H.R.235) was introduced in the House on January 11, 2023 by Reps. Nydia Velázquez (D-NY) and Dan Goldman (D-NY) to provide $70 billion to the Public Housing Capital Fund to address the capital needs backlog in public housing. This bill is a reintroduction of Rep. Velazquez’s bill from the 117th Congress.

The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act of 2021 (S.1557) was re-introduced in Congress on May 11, for the fifth consecutive Congress. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) remains the lead sponsor in the Senate, joined by Todd Young (R-IN), Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN). In the House, Suzanne DelBene (D-WA) continues as lead sponsor, joined by new lead co-sponsor Darin LaHood (R-IL). Other lead sponsors in the House are Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), Claudia Tenney (R-NY), Don Beyer (D-VA), and Jimmy Panetta (D-CA).

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FY 23 Appropriations

The White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate have all increased funding for HUD programs for Fiscal Year 23 (FY 23). In March, the White House budget proposed an increase of $6.2 billion over the FY 22 enacted level. In late July, the full House voted for an increase of $8.9 billion, or 16.5 percent, while the Senate Appropriations Committee released its own draft bill with a $4.3 billion boost, representing an 8 percent increase for HUD programs.

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FY 22 Appropriations

The White House and the U.S House of Representatives released their funding proposals late for FY 22 as other legislative action, including infrastructure and reconciliation negotiations, took center stage. Their respective HUD spending plans, the best we have seen in many years, are very close overall but have some differences in key accounts. The White House budget, released in late May, provides $68.7 billion for HUD, an increase of $9 billion, or 15 percent from last year, while the House appropriations bill, released in July, provides slightly less with $68.4 billion for HUD.

NOTE: The Senate released its appropriations bill in October 2021; the budget chart in the PDF version of this Position Paper has been updated with the Senate’s budget numbers.

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Industry Groups’ Joint Statement on Universal Housing Vouchers

On June 17, CLPHA, the MTW Collaborative, NAHRO, and PHADA released a joint letter advocating the expansion of the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program:

Housing Choice Vouchers are a proven source of permanent housing stability. They are highly effective at providing long-term financial stability to formerly homeless populations and others experiencing housing instability. A recent HUD study found that offering families a permanent housing voucher resulted in greater housing and family stability compared to short-term interventions. Furthermore, a recent study from Columbia University found that expanding housing vouchers to all eligible households could help reduce poverty by 9.3 million people as well as reduce racial disparities in poverty.

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Funding for Public Housing Through an Infrastructure Bill

Why It Makes Sense and How It Addresses Key Priorities of the Biden Administration

Public Housing, like roads and bridges, is a long-term public asset and a critical part of the nation’s infrastructure. Addressing public housing infrastructure would also address key areas of focus laid out by the Biden Transition Team, including COVID-19, economic recovery, racial inequity, and climate change. PHADA urges the Biden Administration to invest a substantial amount of emergency capital funding immediately to address serious and long-standing disinvestment in the Public Housing Capital Fund and to bring a significant number of public housing units back into service.

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FY 21 Appropriations

The FY 21 federal budget process, which began on February 10 with the release of the White House budget, was sidelined while Congress focused instead on several supplemental funding packages to address the effects of COVID-19. The Administration’s proposed budget, while adhering to the Defense spending limits agreed to between Congress and the President in the July 2019 two-year budget deal, seeks to cut Non-Defense Discretionary (NDD) spending by nearly $45 billion. The HUD budget would be cut by $8.6 billion, or 15.2 percent, from the prior year’s budget.

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Legislative Update

Key Authorizing Legislation for Housing Programs, 116th Congress

PHADA advocates to congress for legislation that will help housing authorities (HAs) preserve and develop housing and more effectively provide services to residents. This past year, PHADA has worked closely with congressional committees and staff on legislation featured in this policy brief. As with any legislation, passage of these bills is not guaranteed and often it takes more than one session of congress to achieve desired results. Therefore, it is important to continuously advocate to your representatives and senators for outcomes that will be most beneficial to your agencies, the industry, and the communities and families you serve.

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Update: Over 100,000 Go Without Housing

PHADA’s Cost Neutral Proposal Would Help Fix this Growing Voucher Leasing Crisis

PHADA estimates that for each of the last four years well over 100,000 low-income households (4 percent) could have been otherwise housed with Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) funding already appropriated by Congress in prior years. However, underfunding of Section 8 administrative fees has, in part, contributed to lower levels of leased households and higher levels of HAP reserves than would otherwise be the case if fee prorations had been higher. The primary reason for this outcome is that it takes people to help people.

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FY 20 Appropriations

Budget Deal Does Not Guarantee Adequate Funding for HUD Programs

The House and Senate passed important legislation in July that averted sequestration and raised spending caps for non-defense discretionary (NDD) programs, including HUD, for both FY 20 and 21. The bipartisan package also raises the debt limit ceiling for the next two years, which is necessary because the government has reached its maximum borrowing authority and would have been forced to drastically cut spending had Congress not acted. Under the terms of the bipartisan agreement, Congress will be able to increase NDD spending by $27 billion compared to FY 19, but this is about $15 billion less than the House budget approved in May anticipated.

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