PHADA and Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, have partnered to bring you an exciting professional development opportunity.
Meet the Class of 2025 EDEP Graduates. Click here to view the list of graduates.
In an era when the rules of the game are changing, this program offers a meaningful educational experience for executive directors who desire to stay current with industry standards and gain new insight into the profession.
Watch remarks from 2025 EDEP graduate Jeffrey Dodson.
Based on the model which has been in place in New Jersey since 1994, the program consists of a series of ten courses designed to reinforce the technical, managerial and strategic competencies required of a successful executive director. The course of study has been modified to meet the needs of a national audience and exposes the experienced professional to theoretical concepts as well as practical problem-solving techniques. Nuts and bolts issues are addressed in the classroom setting with ample opportunity for discussion.
Upon completion of the program each participant will receive a PHADA/Rutgers University certificate of completion.
Join other directors from around the country in this high-quality program and ...
- Gain increased prestige and recognition from your peers
- Network with other senior housing authority officials
- Support the professionalization of the industry
- Enhance your knowledge, skills and abilities
- See how you measure up against your colleagues
General Information
This program represents a major professional development opportunity for housing authority executive directors throughout the country. It takes a comprehensive look at those critical functions which serve to define the executive director's position and provides a structured environment in which mid-career professionals can hone their management skills and enhance their knowledge. The program consists of ten courses on specific topic areas.
Following is the full course listing:
- Ethics
- The Future of Affordable Housing and Preservation Strategies (Formerly “Executive Housing Management”)
- Financial Management
- Legal Issues
- Maintenance Management
- Organizational Leadership (Formerly “Planning for Change”)
- Personnel Management
- Procurement and Contract Management
- Public Relations & Communications
Courses are offered three times per year in conjunction with PHADA's Commissioners Conference (January), Annual Convention (May/June) and Legislative Conference (September). See the current conference schedule for upcoming courses. Each of the courses are scheduled once during a training cycle. Participants should be able to complete the entire series within 18 months if enrollment is uninterrupted.
Registration for the scheduled courses opens on the PHADA website approximately four months prior to each conference.
All courses are one-day sessions consisting of six classroom hours. The courses will be held from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm at the conference hotels.
Upcoming EDEP Course Offerings
September 2024 (PHADA Legislative Forum)
- Legal Issues
- Procurement & Contract Management
January 2025 (PHADA Commissioners’ Conference)
- Financial Management
May 2025 (PHADA Annual Convention & Exhibition)
- Organizational Leadership
- Ethics
September 2025 (PHADA Legislative Forum)
- The Future of Affordable Housing and Preservation Strategies
- PR/Communications
Certificate Requirements
EDEP Course Tracker
To qualify for the PHADA/Rutgers certificate, participants must successfully complete all ten courses listed above.
To receive credit for a course, participants must be in attendance for the entire length of each session and pass a brief in-class test administered at the conclusion of each session.
Course integrity will be maintained to the high standards of Rutgers and PHADA. The presence of a Rutgers official at each session will guarantees that the certificate of completion represents outstanding professional achievement at the executive level.